This is a sample of my exploration about images, cloning and immortality. Is a metaphor of the IGUS (information Gathering and Utilizing Systems) proposed by french writer Michel Houellebecq. It's related too to the singularity and the possibility of immortality in human beings. After all, we are just information, our head is a giant and complex USB organic memory. The final work is a big format print in bond paper.
"Even if Marie 23, even if all neohumans and I were only, as I was beginning to suspect, software fictions, the very pregnancy of these fictions demonstrated the existence of one or several IGUSes, whether they were of a biological, digital, or, intermediate nature." M. Hoeullebecq, The possibility of an Island.

The Igus Project
Digital Art

The Igus Project
Digital Art
Digital Art

The Igus Project
Digital Art

The Igus Project
Digital Art
Digital Art

The Igus Project
Digital Art
Basic Element
Digital Art
Basic Element

The DNA Project: Clon
